Principles of marketing lumen learning
Principles of marketing lumen learning

principles of marketing lumen learning

Describe the challenges the sports and entertainment marketing industry currently faces and how they can navigate these challenges.List and describe trends and emerging technologies affecting sports and entertainment marketing.Discuss how technology has changed the sports and entertainment marketing industry, for better and for worse.List and describe the marketing fundamentals that drive sports and entertainment marketing.

principles of marketing lumen learning

You’ll be invited to think critically about these strategies, both as a consumer of these commodities as well as a marketer working within the industry. We’ll also delve more deeply into the tried-and-true marketing strategies that may be enhanced by technology, but have not changed fundamentally since the very beginning of sports and entertainment marketing. In this unit, we’ll explore these and other new advancements and discuss the current, most effective strategies for marketing sports and entertainment commodities in the 21st century. However, new technologies such as the Internet and social media have made their mark on the industry. These are strategies that event marketers have been using for decades and decades, and they still make up the backbone of this type of marketing. We discussed how this particular industry markets its commodities and makes money by selling both core and ancillary products. In the last unit, you learned the basics of sports and entertainment marketing.

  • Discuss the various roles in sports and entertainment marketing.
  • Define and simulate sports properties and marketing.
  • Describe activities to market a sports property.
  • Explain legislation that impacts sports and entertainment marketing.
  • Research sports and entertainment marketing information.
  • List major environmental influences on the demand for sports and entertainment.
  • Distinguish among sports and entertainment marketing terms.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history of sports and entertainment as an industry and how it relates to today’s marketplace.
  • The key here is to think of the sports team or entertainer as a commodity-that is, a marketable item that satisfies a want or need. Now, we’re going to apply this knowledge to the field of sports and entertainment marketing.

    principles of marketing lumen learning

    You learned about how a company brands itself, identifies its target market, and creates a perceived value for its product and/or services. In the last unit, we discussed the basic principles of marketing. Do you want to know how Lady Gaga remains so popular or why athletes make so much money? Sure, talent plays its part, but in order to fully answer this question, you need to understand the sports and entertainment marketing industry.

    Principles of marketing lumen learning